To Νέο «ESCAPE PLAN» είναι γεγονός! Το σίκουελ ετοιμάζει ο Σταλλόνε καθώς εχθες δημοσίευσε ΒΙΝΤΕΟ, στη προσωπική σελίδα που διατηρεί, με τίτλο:
«On location filming EXCAPE PLAN 2 HADES WITH Dave Bautista and Jesse Metcalfe … The scene was kind of a challenge but it turned out great the film itself really has a lot of energy going forward, glad to be part of it. I got a feeling they may be wanting to do a third one pretty soon… Count me in»

Στην άλλη φωτογραφία ποστάρει: «On the set of ESCAPE PLAN 2. HADES with my new hardheaded enemy! There was a time when I thought it would never be possible that I would have to go against a robot. Now I don’t mind fighting with just about anybody but there’s something insane about hitting a techno-thug with a head of metal and no nerves , And certainly no sense of humor, that can take the joy out of one’s life. Anyway the shoot is going great in Atlanta!»
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