Έρευνα για την ανθρωποθυσία (;) στο CERN – Οι συμμετέχοντες στη τελετή είχαν πρόσβαση στο υπέρ-απόρρητο κέντρο [ βίντεο]

Το European Organization for Nuclear Research ή αλλιώς CERN, ξεκίνησε έρευνα μετά την καταγραφή από κάμερα ασφαλείας του Κέντρου νυχτερινής σατανιστικής τελετής στο προαύλιο χώρο. Σύμφωνα με εκπρόσωπο τύπου του CERN η τελετή περιλάμβανε και κάτι που μοιάζει με«ανθρωποθυσία» μίας γυναίκας.

Όπως φαίνεται στο βίντεο, άνδρες ντυμένοι με μαύρους μανδύας λαμβάνουν μέρος σε σατανιστική τελετή στο κέντρο της Γενεύης.

Oι οκτώ άντρες με πρόσβαση στο CERN, ντυμένοι στα μαύρα θυσίασαν (;) στο άγαλμα του θεού Σίβα μια γυναίκα ντυμένη στα λευκά. Η διοίκηση του CERN ξεκίνησε εσωτερική έρευνα για την αυτοσχέδια φάρσα στον υπαίθριο χώρο των εγκαταστάσεων στην Γενεύη. Μικρή λεπτομέρεια που εξόργισε τη διοίκηση ακόμη περισσότερο, το άγαλμα του θεού Σίβα που συμβολίζει την πολυπολιτισμικότητα του CERN, είναι δώρο της κυβέρνησης της Ινδίας στο ερευνητικό κέντρο.

«Οι σκηνές αυτές έχουν καταγραφεί εντός της έκτασης του CERN δεν έχουν γίνει όμως με την άδειά μας», τόνισε ο εκπρόσωπος του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβούλιου Πυρηνικής Έρευνας.

Σύμφωνα με τους αρμόδιους για να μπει κάποιος στο CERN, όπως οι άνθρωποι που φαίνονται να κάνουν την σατανιστική τελετή, πρέπει να έχει χτυπήσει ειδική κάρτα εισόδου, είτε είναι μέρα είτε νύχτα.Η αστυνομία της Γενεύης τονίζει ότι έχει ενημερωθεί για το περιστατικό από το Κέντρο όμως δεν έχει αναλάβει επίσημα την υπόθεση.

Στο CERN γίνονται έρευνες για την ανακάλυψη του λεγόμενου «σωματιδίου του Θεού».

CERN launches investigation after 'human sacrifice' English language

Pic shows: A woman being sacrificed The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has started an investigation into an online video which appears to show a woman being sacrificed in a gruesome ritual on their grounds. The bizarre amateur video - which some media outlets suspect to be fake - shows people dressed in black on facility grounds in Geneva, Switzerland. All are gathered in front of a statue of Shiva, one of the three main deities in Hinduism, as they form a circle around a woman who is lying down on the ground. A person is apparently recording the entire scene from a hiding place as one of the people takes out a knife and appears to stab the woman. The author of the video then gasps and swears before the video abruptly cuts. The footage has been making the rounds online and has been discussed on numerous conspiracy websites with lively debates over what the exact purpose of the ‘human offering’ is.

In a short statement, CERN confirmed they know about the existence of the video but said that no-one was ever sacrificed at their facility. However, even though assured there was no proof of a murder, CERN have nonetheless started an investigation. They noted that the sacrifice might be a practical joke by students who frequent the facility during summer. CERN, an international scientific nuclear research institute in Geneva, is world famous for its Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

It is the world's largest and most powerful particle collider and the largest and most complex experimental facility ever built. The institute is perhaps most famous for proving the existence of the Higgs boson, an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. Despite the many conspiracy theorists, CERN is a recurring focus for bizarre reports in the media. In January, local outlets produced reports of a UFO apparently flying over CERN into what looked like an "interdimensional portal into the galaxy". (ends)

Bizarre: The video includes the staged 'stabbing' of a woman Pic shows: People prepairing for the ritual The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has started an investigation into an online video which appears to show a woman being sacrificed in a gruesome ritual on their grounds. The bizarre amateur video - which some media outlets suspect to be fake - shows people dressed in black on facility grounds in Geneva, Switzerland. All are gathered in front of a statue of Shiva, one of the three main deities in Hinduism, as they form a circle around a woman who is lying down on the ground. A person is apparently recording the entire scene from a hiding place as one of the people takes out a knife and appears to stab the woman. The author of the video then gasps and swears before the video abruptly cuts.

The footage has been making the rounds online and has been discussed on numerous conspiracy websites with lively debates over what the exact purpose of the ‘human offering’ is. In a short statement, CERN confirmed they know about the existence of the video but said that no-one was ever sacrificed at their facility. However, even though assured there was no proof of a murder, CERN have nonetheless started an investigation. They noted that the sacrifice might be a practical joke by students who frequent the facility during summer. CERN, an international scientific nuclear research institute in Geneva, is world famous for its Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is the world's largest and most powerful particle collider and the largest and most complex experimental facility ever built.

The institute is perhaps most famous for proving the existence of the Higgs boson, an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. Despite the many conspiracy theorists, CERN is a recurring focus for bizarre reports in the media. In January, local outlets produced reports of a UFO apparently flying over CERN into what looked like an "interdimensional portal into the galaxy". (ends) The bizarre video which has circulated online for days shows several individuals in black cloaks gathering in a main square at Europe's top physics lab, in what appears to be a re-enactment of an occult ceremony

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